EAT RIGHT by Brad Strohm

by Holsby Staff

Imagine a time when you were highly anticipating a night out with a special friend. You picked the restaurant and you were looking forward to putting aside other thoughts or distractions for a moment and enjoying the companionship, atmosphere and … Continue reading

30. June 2012 by Holsby Staff
Categories: Bible School, Camps & Retreats, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Bible School 2011-12 – “Great are the works of the Lord.”

by Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal

If you haven’t had your fika today, I encourage you to take a few minutes, kick up the feet, pour some coffee or any other beverage of choice and check out this Fika Time video that captures the faces and … Continue reading

06. June 2012 by Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal
Categories: Bible School, Update | 2 comments