From New Zealand to Holsby – Claudia Samuels

by Holsby Staff

Just over a year ago I arrived at Holsby, horribly jet-lagged after travelling 30 hours to get here from New Zealand and utterly bewildered, after crossing 12 time zones. However in no time at all, I ‘dove into the deep end’ and started organizing camps (as I’m the camps coordinator here). I met a lot of new people last year, which was fun, but also a little overwhelming.


Now I’ve just completed my second spring time, and what I’ve discovered is that many of the same groups come back to Holsby year after year – they just love it here! So it’s been so great to catch up with people whom I met last year, and just enjoy hanging out with people I already know.


One such group is from Sandeslätt, near Gothenburg. Both their youth group and the whole church have been coming for many years for their weekend youth retreats and their weeklong family church camp. One of my highlights during the Sandeslätt youth weekend was sitting around the camp fire, roasting sausages and marshmallows together, and then sharing what God was doing in our lives. What a fun and encouraging time. I also discovered I’m great at dumping ketchup and mustard all over myself while attempting to eat a freshly grilled hot dog.  Ah well, I’ll have time this summer to work on that!


02. July 2014 by Holsby Staff
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