Holsby.org – same address, new website

by John Poysti - Director

Holsby has a new website! Check out the fresh and innovative design. It is full of beautiful images and graphics, and has lots of helpful content. This new website is now optimized for viewing on smartphones and tablets.


Holsby's attractive new website

Holsby’s attractive new website

This project came together very quickly under the expert guidance of Samuel Weirich, a volunteer programmer and designer from Germany. Samuel has been able to accurately capture the ethos and vision of Holsby and then communicate it with this attractive and accessible digital tool.

Samuel Weirich - Holsby web designer

Samuel Weirich – Holsby web designer

Take time to explore and click your way through the various pages. And then be creative in helping us get the word out about the new Holsby website through your own social media and personal connections. It is a great tool for sharing with potential students and their parents.

If you are an alumnus of Holsby, pay special attention to the “Alumni” tab in the “Connect” menu at the top of the page. There you will find instructions for linking up with a Facebook group specifically for the year you attended. Join the group and get back in touch with your old roommates and friends!

There are plenty of exciting things happening at Holsby. We will be highlighting some of our plans and projects in upcoming posts on our FikaTime blog and our newly updated Facebook page. So stay connected and stay in touch!

John Poysti - Director

About John Poysti - Director

Life is good, because God is good! I can’t think of anything more fulfilling in life than to observe God transforming people more and more into the likeness of Christ, and as a result being transformed yourself – that is kingdom living at its very best. Holsby has provided me with a unique opportunity to invest in the youth of this generation as I draw on a lifetime of God’s grace and mercy with which He has blessed me. My life is further enriched by some key relationships. Christine is my best friend and faithful companion in life. And we have three beautiful daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law and four fantastic grandsons who bring us more joy than we could ever deserve. Currently, I find relaxation through reading theological blogs, riding my mountain bike on forest trails, keeping my woodshed stocked and tidy, and picking or gathering whatever is edible in the forests around Holsby.

13. July 2016 by John Poysti - Director
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

One Comment

  1. Hi Samuel. Spent the evening with Callum and Katrina?