Summer Bible School
by Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal

Three week summer Bible school, just what you’ve been waiting for! If you haven’t checked out our website yet, this might give you a good excuse. Next July we are going to offer a three-week Bible school course, giving you or someone you know the opportunity to dig deeper into God’s word, to be physically and spiritually refreshed, to make new connections, maybe revisit some old ones and to explore some of Sweden. If this is not for you right now, would you pass the information on to anyone you think might benefit from these three weeks and, of course, plenty of fika? Oh, and as an added bonus for those of you with family, we will provide childcare during the sessions.
You can find more information and how to apply by going to the Holsby website and clicking on “Summer Bible School” under the “Bible School” tab.
About Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal
One of my favorite words when thinking about the Christian journey is the word “discovery.” When departing every moment of every day in dependence on Jesus Christ, one discovers a worthwhile adventure that defines authentic Christianity. The gospel saves us and the gospel grows us, and that is what excites me about life and what takes place on a daily basis at Holsby in the lives of students, staff, and guests.
The Lord has blessed me to enjoy this journey with my wonderful wife Cheryl and our and our children Emmalise, Ember and Hudson. I met Cheryl while serving as an English teacher in Mongolia, where we then spent our first year of marriage and later returned to her home in southern Kansas to work on the family farm. I grew up in Colorado at a Torchbearer school by the name of Ravencrest, which instilled in me a love for the Torchbearers ministry that has now led us to Holsby.
On our irresponsible days we enjoy about anything related to sports and the outdoors. I particularly enjoy a good soccer game, being on a mountain trail, catching up on a good book at the café, or any type of casual time with friends and family. I also enjoy an occasional blow on the bagpipes when there is an eager ear to hear.
13. October 2016 by Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal
Categories: Bible School, Uncategorized |
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