Category Archives for Bible School

Team Putte

by John Poysti - Director

Holsby was abuzz this week with two separate film crews scurrying around campus chronicling the visit of “Team Putte.” Choirs from seven cities around Sweden are competing in the annual nationally televised “Körslaget” (Clash of the Choirs), and one of … Continue reading

20. September 2012 by John Poysti - Director
Categories: Bible School, Camps & Retreats, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Team Putte

Staff Prep Day 2012

by John Poysti - Director

In anticipation of the 2012-13 school year, the Holsby staff met for our annual offsite preparation day. As if on cue, the rain clouds drifted away, the sun came out and we enjoyed a productive time of introductions, sharing of … Continue reading

18. September 2012 by John Poysti - Director
Categories: Bible School, Uncategorized | 1 comment


by Donna Schoon - Support Staff

I love paths! And pictures of them. Here at Holsby, we are well on our way to having a beautiful “path loop” going through our woods below the Chapel and near our community’s legendary well. Lots of work has gone … Continue reading

04. September 2012 by Donna Schoon - Support Staff
Categories: Bible School, Camps & Retreats, Fika Time, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Paths

Summer and our maintenance team by Timo Gerle

by Holsby Staff

Holsby is a beautiful place with charming historic buildings, majestic trees, well-kept lawns and flower gardens. It’s a lot of work to maintain the beauty of the campus, and we rely on the many volunteers who spend parts of the … Continue reading

31. July 2012 by Holsby Staff
Categories: Bible School, Camps & Retreats, Uncategorized | 3 comments

Slow Down

by Holsby Student

Each year, Holsby is blessed with a lot of creative students, with talent in music, photography, art, graphics, video and so much more. Julie Lind (from Denmark) and Nathan Peters (Canada) are two such students from the 2011-12 school year. … Continue reading

14. July 2012 by Holsby Student
Categories: Bible School, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Slow Down

EAT RIGHT by Brad Strohm

by Holsby Staff

Imagine a time when you were highly anticipating a night out with a special friend. You picked the restaurant and you were looking forward to putting aside other thoughts or distractions for a moment and enjoying the companionship, atmosphere and … Continue reading

30. June 2012 by Holsby Staff
Categories: Bible School, Camps & Retreats, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Bible School 2011-12 – “Great are the works of the Lord.”

by Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal

If you haven’t had your fika today, I encourage you to take a few minutes, kick up the feet, pour some coffee or any other beverage of choice and check out this Fika Time video that captures the faces and … Continue reading

06. June 2012 by Luke Thomas - Bible School Principal
Categories: Bible School, Update | 2 comments

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