Category Archives for Camps & Retreats
Team Putte
Holsby was abuzz this week with two separate film crews scurrying around campus chronicling the visit of “Team Putte.” Choirs from seven cities around Sweden are competing in the annual nationally televised “Körslaget” (Clash of the Choirs), and one of … Continue reading
I love paths! And pictures of them. Here at Holsby, we are well on our way to having a beautiful “path loop” going through our woods below the Chapel and near our community’s legendary well. Lots of work has gone … Continue reading
German teen camp
Wow! It’s been busy these days around Holsby. German, German and more German =) We kicked off August with our two-week German teen camp, which was a big success. Through it all – canoeing, a day at the water park, … Continue reading
Holsby Hospitality Team by Elke Bierau
When the pots and pans are cleaned, dishes stacked, and tables set… When the beds are made, showers scrubbed, and the bathrooms smell fresh… When the flowers are watered, and gardens weeded… You know, the Hospitality Team has done their … Continue reading
Summer and our maintenance team by Timo Gerle
Holsby is a beautiful place with charming historic buildings, majestic trees, well-kept lawns and flower gardens. It’s a lot of work to maintain the beauty of the campus, and we rely on the many volunteers who spend parts of the … Continue reading
Midsummer celebration
It’s fika time at the annual Holsby midsummer celebration! This year God sent us well over 500 guests to spend a day with family and friends and enjoy a bit of Swedish tradition. God provided ideal weather despite the forecast … Continue reading
EAT RIGHT by Brad Strohm
Imagine a time when you were highly anticipating a night out with a special friend. You picked the restaurant and you were looking forward to putting aside other thoughts or distractions for a moment and enjoying the companionship, atmosphere and … Continue reading
Spring groups 2012
What’s going on with Camps and Retreats these days? Well, let me tell you. My name is Jonathan and I work with the spring and summer camps here at Holsby. This spring season the Lord has blessed us with full … Continue reading