A Great Light
A Great Light! That was the theme of this year’s Julkonsert (Christmas concert) in Alsedakyrka on 6 December 2014.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow Me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”A glorious concert it was!! Hours and hours go into preparing for such an event, but in the end we only want our Lord to be glorified! And the blessings were bountiful! The student-directed choirs were magnificent – both in English and in German. The smaller ensembles could have been professional. Instrumental accompaniments were superb. And a pantomime dance group clearly conveyed the love of Jesus as He longs to draw people away from the world and to Himself.
Holsby’s director, John Poysti (who also gave a devotion part-way through the program), wrote afterwards to the staff and students: “The enthusiasm among those who attended was palpable, and I am almost sure that the audience of One took the evening off (please forgive my irreverence…) just to enjoy the concert and all the conversation that ensued. Many people came up to me and others to thank the staff and students for a wonderful evening.”
All these accolades!! And yet the simplicity of the deepest heartbeat could be expressed in the same way as the German hymn sung by the choir:
I stand at your crib here, O Jesus – You, my life. I come and present you with the things you have already given me. Receive them – My spirit and mind, My heart and my soul, My courage. Take everything and let it please You. I look at You with so much joy and cannot get tired of it. And because I can do nothing else – I stand here in worship!After the concert, everyone was invited to the Bible school for a Christmas “fika.” The dining rooms overflowed!! There was joy, there was pleasure expressed, and there was fellowship extended to our visitors in this conclusion of a most delightful evening.
These are the weeks of Advent, a time of anticipation leading up to the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! May your highest priority be, in the midst of all the celebrations, to worship HIM with your whole heart! He is the One whose light leads to life!