Another 2nd Gen at Holsby!

by Donna Schoon - Support Staff

This spring term’s 2nd Gen is a Swede – Johanna Ewens!! She even grew up in the area around Holsby and is no stranger to our center.

JohannaJohanna writes:

  • I, together with my family, live relatively close to “Fackelbärarnas Centrum” (The Torchbearer Center) in Holsby. Ever since I was a little girl, my family and I have been going there and hanging out with the students. I knew at an early age that Bible school was something I wanted to do, but that I was going to be at the same school my mom had attended many years ago was something I decided on last summer. I am really enjoying my time here, being able to be a part of that which I’ve only seen from “the outside.” What I especially like about Holsby is the sense of family community we have here. Though we are different and come from different backgrounds, we all have the same Lord – Jesus Christ. That kind of unity can only be found in the family of God.

Holsby class 1986-87

Teresa Rilling

Johanna’s mother, Teresa Rilling, is Canadian, and was a student in 1986-87. Teresa also has Swedish roots, and ended up settling in Sweden not long after her year of study at Holsby. For some years, she has been working at the Christian humanitarian organization in Holsbybrunn – Erikshjälpen – and being mom to six kids.

Johanna attended the Torchbearer school, Capernwray Hall, in the fall/winter term of this school year. We are delighted she chose to finish the year of study here in Holsby. Johanna is very musical and has very quickly stepped into opportunities to serve. Being bi-lingual is also very helpful in outreach opportunities. A wedding is awaiting Johanna in August, after which she and her husband will serve as youth ministers in a local church in a village not far away from Holsby.

Johanna, we’re glad you are a part of the Holsby family this spring! Keep on shining for Jesus!

Donna Schoon - Support Staff

About Donna Schoon - Support Staff

Being in ministry in and around Holsby for about half of my life has been a true joy and I’ve grown in the process. My role is smaller, but it is still an encouragement to be a part of the whole picture – doing a wee bit of teaching, participating with students in the Österliden outreach and hosting a family group during the school year. Correspondence with Holsby friends around the world, as well as other contacts, keeps my computer going many hours a week – as does keeping our home open to those who want to come. Our family includes 2 children, 5 grands, and 4 great-grands (with one on the way). Wally is my husband, and Psalm 70:4 is our verse.

11. May 2015 by Donna Schoon - Support Staff
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