Update on the Gym Project
“So, how is the Holsby gym project going?” We get that question a lot. We are encouraged by the interest in this project and want to give you an update.
Every time we get to talk to a friend of Holsby about our plans to build this beautiful new facility for exercise and refreshment, the reaction is the same: “What a wonderful idea! This is a real need both for the Bible school and the summer camps and retreats.”
We are very grateful for those who have already expressed their support of this project through their giving. Lots of modest donations, a few large donations, but always with a spirit of encouragement and partnership. We know that generosity is alive and well among our Holsby friends.
Over the last 12 years, we have done all we can to invest wisely, spend prudently and save carefully. And with the Lord’s help and blessing, we have been able to put aside a sizable amount to build the Holsby gym. But a large project like this would deplete all our savings and still leave us with a significant debt to pay off. We feel that would not be prudent.
Our hope was to begin to build in the spring of 2017, but we have not received enough in donations to break ground yet. Our Holsby Leadership Team has decided to extend our fundraising efforts for another year and, God willing, begin to build in the spring of 2018. That will give us one more year to save some money and, hopefully, to raise a lot of donations – both small and large.
“So, what can I do?” you may ask:
- Some of you may not be able to afford a large donation, but you could afford to send a monthly amount over the next 12 months that will add up to something significant. Consider becoming a monthly contributor.
- Some of you have the means and the vision to invest a much larger amount in the expansion of the Holsby campus and ministry. Those gifts are very much needed.
- Some of you may know of family, friends or acquaintances who are looking for a worthy project to support. You can present the project to them on our behalf.
- All of you can support this project through your prayers. We can only do this by God’s help and His blessing.
Go to the donation page on our website and you will get all the instructions you need. You will also find a brief one-page fact sheet about the project that you can share with others. Please consider how you can partner with Holsby and invest in the lives of young people from around the world.
I want to support the Holsby gym project
The total cost is 1.9 million U.S. dollars. We already have $800,000 in donations and other funds set aside for this project. Now we need your help to raise the rest of the money.
We would be very grateful if you would share this project on social media and with your friends and family.