Sommarklubb at Holsby

by Cheryl Thomas

It was 10:00 on a Monday morning, when suddenly around 40 kids from all over the neighborhood began pouring into our yard! WHAT was going on at the Thomas house?

It was the first day of Sommarklubb! Three years ago we decided to have a five-day club in my friend’s yard in order to gather kids from the neighborhood, play games, do crafts and tell Bible stories.

As we walked around the neighborhood inviting kids, my heart began to sink. It seemed like everyone was on vacation or had other plans! I thought maybe six kids would come, but I hoped for 10. We prayed and kept inviting people and the kids came! We had around 20 kids that year. Last year we averaged around 30 kids. Linnea Blomgren (2015-16 alum) came back to help— a huge blessing! This year we had 50 by the last day! Wow! Praise God! Half of the kids that came were from non-Christian homes! Because the club was in a backyard instead of a church, they felt comfortable coming.

Occasionally a small airplane would fly in to deliver special messages.

Our theme this year was, “Treasure Hunt!” We began each day with some fun songs. Then the treasure chest was opened and the treasure of the day was taken out which led into the Bible story. We had three wonderful volunteers from CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) teaching the Bible stories and leading the games. Following the story we had craft time, led by Elke. This was probably one of the favorite things about Sommarklubb for the kids! We ended each morning with fika and games! On the last day, a man from our church came to share his testimony and explain why Jesus was his biggest treasure. We ended the day with a treasure hunt and a visit from a clown. What fun!

Ways that God worked:

  • There was no rain during the daily two hours of club time— even when it was forecasted to rain!
  • There was one little girl in Emmalise’s class that we especially wanted to come. We will call her Anna. We had invited her each year, but she never came. After the first day, Ember asked me if Anna was going to come. I told her I didn’t know and then we prayed that she would come. That afternoon Maria, one of the CEF volunteers, met her on the road while she was on a walk. Anna started talking with her and so Maria told her about the club. Anna was excited to come and, later in the day when Emmalise saw her walking past our house, we went out to talk with her and her mom about it. She came the next day and each day after that! God worked that out!

Please pray that the songs that the kids sang during the club would continue to go through their minds. Pray that they would know the love they felt here was because of Jesus. AND PRAY about hosting a small club in YOUR back yard next summer! If you are unsure about teaching the lessons, there are CEF workers in Europe and North America who would love to work with you and to teach!

Here are the websites for CEF:

01. September 2017 by Cheryl Thomas
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

One Comment

  1. This sounds like a wonderful program. It is exciting watching the ways God has continued to develop the programs at Holsby since I was a student and then staff member. Maybe one day I will return and bring my family to help with a program such as this. Blessings, Jennifer Keator (nee Plain)