Holsby Resurrection Day Outreach
We are halfway through our much-enjoyed Spring School with long, sunny days and new growth beginning to show on all the trees. This year Spring School began with the celebration of Easter and a much-needed reminder that though the bodily appearance of Jesus was a benefit to those early followers, we are at no disadvantage, because Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Fika and fellowship over a display of the empty tomb was what launched us into Spring School, but the message of the resurrection has continued to be our celebration and hope.
This last week, we sought to capture the significance of the resurrection by looking at these four “harmonizing voices”: the resurrection of hope, the resurrection of the spirit, the resurrection of the body and the resurrection of life together. With each “voice” there was an image that helped us internalize what is very real but not yet complete and, at times, beyond the reality of our tangible human experience.
The cross pictured below has various Old Testament prophecies nailed to it that Jews would have expected their Messiah to fulfill. When Jesus was crucified, all hope of Him fulfilling these prophecies was lost until His resurrection three days later.
Based off of 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, the graveyard scene symbolizes the final death of God’s enemies and all that is contrary to what He intended for His creation. Christ’s triumph over death turns this graveyard into a place of rejoicing.
On the final day, we took the message of the resurrection into town and surveyed over 300 people on what they thought about death and the resurrection of Jesus. Along with the survey, we handed out cards that the students had made, along with their personal stories of how God has changed their lives. On the front of the card is written, “Have you ever been glad that something is empty?” When opened up, one sees the empty tomb and Jesus’ words, “I have come to give you life and life abundantly…I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live…” The student testimonies were then rolled up behind the empty tomb.
You will see the results of the survey below, and as you read through the results and finish your fika break, I ask that you pray for Sweden and the 340 individuals who received a resurrection card. There were a handful of meaningful conversations and individuals who genuinely said that if the resurrection of Jesus is true, then it would change their life. Pray that what has been planted in their lives through these cards and testimonies, would grow to become decisions to follow Jesus, our hope and resurrection.
Results of the Survey
1. Do you think there is life after death?
Yes: 128
No: 75
Don’t know: 26
2. Christians believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead? Do you agree or disagree?
Agree: 91
Disagree: 99
Don’t know: 29
3. If Jesus did rise from the dead, what would that mean for you?
Not much: 126
I might read the Bible to find out more about Jesus: 33
It would change my life and how I think about life: 49