Category Archives for Bible School
In memory of Justin Priebe (1986-2013)
Update: This post has already been seen by well over 4000 people and testifies to the impact that Justin has had – and continues to have – among so many people. We were all deeply saddened to hear that Justin … Continue reading
Winter Retreat 2013
Over the past month I had the privilege of organizing Holsby’s 1st Annual Winter Retreat. Last Saturday this awesome event took place and what a great success it was! This opportunity for the whole student body and staff to come … Continue reading
Less Is Often More
Less is often more, right? Well, not if I consider that this winter term we are glad to have four more students, or how we as a family look forward to adding one more child come February… which will mean … Continue reading
The music was magnificent, the simplicity of the message most moving. God So Loved the World … shared in eight different languages represented by our international students. Prayer in a huge circle spreading all around the huge sanctuary, trusting God … Continue reading
Surprise, Surprise!
Some people are harder to surprise than others. Wally Schoon has historically proven to be one of the more difficult nuts to crack (in more ways than one…). There was the time when we stuck a long airline baggage tag … Continue reading
Phone Booth Diaries
This school term is well on its way and our students have been dying to share what’s on their minds. We tried to provide a safe place to share their thoughts with anyone who would dare listen, the Phone Booth … Continue reading
Team Putte Wins!
The winner of this year’s Körslaget (Sweden’s version of “Clash of the Choirs”) was decided last Saturday night with Team Putte receiving the most votes. The Vetlanda-based choir led by Putte Nelsson won over the nationwide audience with a rousing … Continue reading
Holsby 2012-13 Trailer
Here at Holsby we are into the fall season and we are also into the start of our 2012-13 Bible school year. Here is a quick preview of what we will be bringing to you this year during your visits … Continue reading
Our Weakness into His Strength
At our recent Staff Prep Day for the 2012-13 Bible school year, I spoke to our staff about our weakness and God’s strength. Here is some of what I shared: “For anyone who is in Christian service, the feeling of … Continue reading
Team Putte Update
On Saturday evening, staff and students watched the “Clash of the Choirs” Swedish TV show in the Holsby chapel – the same chapel where the “Team Putte” choir had practiced just a few days earlier. On the nationally televised show, … Continue reading