Category Archives for Uncategorized

Slow Down

by Holsby Student

Each year, Holsby is blessed with a lot of creative students, with talent in music, photography, art, graphics, video and so much more. Julie Lind (from Denmark) and Nathan Peters (Canada) are two such students from the 2011-12 school year. … Continue reading

14. July 2012 by Holsby Student
Categories: Bible School, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Slow Down

Holsby alum in Asia

by Donna Schoon - Support Staff

Imagine our surprise when we learned about a Holsby “alum” way over in Asia! Yes, Wally and I went to visit our son and his family a month ago. Our daughter-in-law had just returned from a spring trip with the … Continue reading

02. July 2012 by Donna Schoon - Support Staff
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

EAT RIGHT by Brad Strohm

by Holsby Staff

Imagine a time when you were highly anticipating a night out with a special friend. You picked the restaurant and you were looking forward to putting aside other thoughts or distractions for a moment and enjoying the companionship, atmosphere and … Continue reading

30. June 2012 by Holsby Staff
Categories: Bible School, Camps & Retreats, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Welcome to fika time

by John Poysti - Director

Welcome to Fika Time! Grab a cup of coffee and something sweet, and let’s take some time to get acquainted. My name is John and I am privileged to work at Holsby Bible School & Retreat Center, a place where … Continue reading

21. April 2012 by John Poysti - Director
Categories: Fika Time, Uncategorized, Update | 4 comments

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